Crafting compassion: Hobbycraft and Together for Short Lives


Client: Together for Short Lives

Hobbycraft and Together for Short Lives have crafted a transformative partnership over the past decade supporting the UK's 54 children's hospices. With a shared belief in the therapeutic value of art and play, our collaboration enhances the lives of families caring for seriously ill children.

There are 99,000 children in the UK living with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Parents often give up work to become full-time caregivers, leading to family isolation. Children's hospices are lifelines for these families, offering respite care, practical assistance, and much-needed therapeutic support. However, they face significant funding challenges and rely heavily on public donations to survive. Through diverse fundraising initiatives including in-store events and cause-related marketing, Hobbycraft has raised over £3 million for children’s hospices. Our success lies in our national model that delivers local impact - Hobbycraft stores are twinned with their nearest children's hospice with funds ringfenced to benefit nearby families. It uses art and play to improve lives, giving families opportunities to create happy memories with their child. Hobbycraft’s support raises awareness of the challenges faced by families caring for a seriously ill child and demonstrates the power of art in bringing joy and comfort during even the most difficult of times.