
Asda Tickled Pink
Client: Breast Cancer Now and CoppaFeel!
Asda Tickled Pink is the long-running awareness and fundraising partnership between Asda, Breast Cancer Now and CoppaFeel!. The three partners work closely together to make checking your boobs, pecs or chest as normal as your Asda shop. Through impactful and disruptive campaigns and on the ground interventions that will ultimately improve chest checking behaviour, we’re putting breast cancer awareness on everyone's list.
Now in our 28th year, the partnership has raised over £89 million since 1996, and is on track to exceed our target of raising over £100 million by 2026. In 2023, we harnessed every available touchpoint for engaging and impactful breast awareness messaging, gained Asda’s senior team’s support to galvanise cause related marketing (CRM) supplier engagement, and ensured target-motivated employee fundraising. Collectively these have propelled our partnership into a new league. For example, encouraging 684,6381 people to check their chest as a result of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) 2023 campaign and raising over £1.31 million from product sales and employee fundraising in October alone. Asda Tickled Pink is now one step closer to our goal of encouraging 1 million more people regularly checking their chests by 2026.